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  • Luchian Nemes's avatar
    (MODULES-10800) Add GitHub Actions workflows · 5777549b
    Luchian Nemes authored
    Added GitHub Actions workflows for `Static Code Analysis` and `Unit
    Tests` that run each time there is a new `pull request` or `git push`.
    `Unit tests` are also set to run every workday at `05:00:00 UTC`.
    The `.yaml` config files of `Travis` and `AppVeyor` have been removed.
    (MODULES-10800) Add GitHub Actions workflows
    Luchian Nemes authored
    Added GitHub Actions workflows for `Static Code Analysis` and `Unit
    Tests` that run each time there is a new `pull request` or `git push`.
    `Unit tests` are also set to run every workday at `05:00:00 UTC`.
    The `.yaml` config files of `Travis` and `AppVeyor` have been removed.